Chinatown DC

China Town DC

Chinatown DC Excavation GEO deployed an AMTS to monitor the stability of the buildings adjacent to this deep excavation in Washington DC’s historic Chinatown. Optical prisms were installed on the buildings and also on elements of the SOE. A change in the spatial coordinates of the prisms would indicate that movement had occurred. Every two…

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Sales Force Tower

Welding a Prism Bracket

Sales Force Tower Salesforce tower, the tallest building in San Francisco, is the centerpiece of the Transbay Redevelopment project. GEO monitored the support of excavation system. GEO deployed four AMTS systems and more than 138 prisms, such as the L-bar prism above, installed at critical locations on the support system.

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Transbay Transit Center

Transbay Transit Center

Transbay Transit Center Project Overview Construction of the Transbay Transit Center required a massive support of excavation system that included a cement-deep-soil-mixed perimeter wall, four levels of cross-lot bracing, and two levels of tiebacks. Monitoring Requirements To minimize risk, project owners wanted continuous monitoring of some 250 points within the excavation area, including points on…

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Dulles Airport

Dulles Airport

Dulles Airport Work 2003 The Automated People Mover project at Dulles International airport involved nearly two miles of tunneling. Large excavations were required for stations at the main terminal and the three mid-field terminals. The station at the main terminal involved a 50-foot cut and extensive underpinning of the terminal. Monitoring Requirements Monitor support of…

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